Sometimes, in fact many times, I feel so helpless. How do you help when you can’t? How do you stop the hurt when you can’t stop what is causing the hurt? It is a lonely and helpless feeling.
For example, when there is a tragic accident and a life is taken how do you stop the hurt? How do you stop the survivors from the devastating grief? How do you stop the hurt when you can’t stop what is causing the hurt?
When you have a child, small or grown, who is hurting how do you stop the hurt? If they have been bullied, how do you stop the hurt? If there is a chemical imbalance, how do you stop the hurt? If there is a marriage problem, how do you stop the hurt? If there is a drug or alcohol problem, how do you stop the hurt.? If there is a pornography problem, how do you stop the hurt? Don’t patronize. Don’t say, “Well they should just stop it.” Yes, all of these involve choice, either by the one participating or the one perpetrating. But now that there is reality and they are in a dark place, that seems inescapable, how do you help stop the hurt? The thing that caused it is still present.
Here is my answer to all this. “I don’t know!” I can’t stop death. I can’t stop people from being bullies. I can’t stop choices people make that are self-destructive. I can’t do anything about it.
But there is One who can. God can! God can heal the hurt like none other. He knows our hurts and our feelings of inadequacy. Only He can heal. But we must turn to Him for help. We must have hearts that want help, not pain. He is our comforter. He is the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3-4).
He can heal by forgiveness. There is nothing He will not forgive. He holds it out for us even before we ever ask. He reaches down, through Jesus, to forgive us. Forgiveness can help set right what is wrong.
He can heal by His grace. Grace is a kindly disposition or favor bestowed. It is giving what is needed, not deserved. We all deserve justice, but we need the free gift of grace. Grace is life changing for hurting hearts. NOTHING! NOTHING is as powerful as God’s love and His grace. We come broken to be mended. We come broken to be healed. We come just as we are, but He will not let us stay as we are. He has the power to change us!
He can heal by using other people who love and care for each of us (Gal. 6:2). We all need that one who loves us enough to reach down and help us stand when we fall. We all need someone to lift us up when we can’t stand. We need someone to notice we hurt and are in pain. Come on! Isn’t it time to stop being the culprit and be the one who carries the mat and bring the one hurting to Jesus?
I can’t stop the hurting and pain but I can take you to the One who can!
Rickie Jenkins