Just One More Day

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Note: This article was written by Olin Hudson on March 3, 2019.  He preached in Abilene, Texas for the Wylie church of Christ.  He was killed in an automobile accident on July 8, 2019 when his pickup hydroplaned and rolled down an embankment. Olin was fifty-four years old. He would have been fifty-five August 21, 2019. My daughter, who is  a member in this church,  shared this article with me. I thought it was very special and want to share it with you. His loss to this church has been so great! Olin was a man who was quiet but effective. He was also one of three elders in this church.  He is survived by his wife Angela, two grown sons: Tyler and Trent, their wives and three grandchildren.

Dear Lord, please give me one more day to experience the joys of life: The beauties of the trees, rivers, and sky; The pleasures of friendships, recreation, and children; The joy of laughter, being with those I love, and resting after a long day’s work. Each day is a gift from you that brings beauties beyond measure.

I ask for just one more day, Lord, to grow in my relationships with others. An opportunity to learn about and practice your unselfish love, give me one more day to help those I love to grow closer to you, to teach my children and show them what it means to serve you, to help them grow in their dedication to you. A day to tell my closest friends about what really matters in life.

My request, Father, is just one more day to fight. To wield the sword, to take up your armor and destroy the work of Satan. Just one more day to achieve the peace that comes from your victory in my life. Just one more day to show the world your love and grace in my life. Another day to do my small part in this colossal spiritual battle.

Give me, Father, just one more day to make an impression on others about my values, my interests, my goals. One more day to show them that you are real and that you are everything to me. Give me a day so they might see you in the life I live, that they too might want to serve you.

Just one more day to reflect… to remember the good and the bad that has occurred in my life… to remember and learn from my achievements and failures… to gain wisdom from what you have taught me in my life.

One more day to overcome my sin, to take the steps necessary to be more like you. To see sin for what it really is. To develop a hatred for it, a disgust. One more day to make right the damage my sin has caused and to forgive the sins of others.

Father, if it is your will, I ask for one more day to encourage the good work in your kingdom. To edify my brothers and sisters in the work they do. One more day to show patience and to lend a helping hand to those who are struggling in their battle with Satan. Father, just one more day so I can offer the love you have shown to me.

Just one more day in honor of you. If today does not bring joy or what I desire, if it does not bring my gain or my advancement. If, instead, it brings sorrow, pain, suffering, or loss… help me to love you even more. Just one more day where I can prove to you that I serve you not because of what I get out of the day but because I love you.

Father, if you grant me one more day, help me not to get lost in it. Help me to remember what is most important. Help me to see eternity.

Dear Lord, most of all, help me to know that I may not have just one more day. If I am not able to enjoy the pleasures of this life for another day, or my family, or to work another day, or influence others, or learn another lesson of life, help me to know that I need to be ready for that day of eternity: the day of victory, the day of judgment. Help me to live today with this realization. Thank you, Lord.

by Olin Hudson

March 3, 2019